After driving along a highway lined with millions of daffodil blooms, I decided to replicate the swath of beauty on my property. To this day my husband swears he dug six-thousand holes to plant all the daffodil bulbs I bought. Of course he’s wrong. The correct number was one thousand. While he jokingly bellyaches about the task years later, his digging efforts multiplied into twenty-thousand-plus blooms, and every spring we witness their beauty.
For eight straight weeks shades of yellow, cream, and orange daffodils greet us each morning as they turn their heads toward the sun and follow it across our ridge. At the beginning of their bloom season, they shine brightly against the drab browns and grays of the winter landscape. Within a month the redbud trees join their color parade and splash dots of purple along our hilltop. As March fades into April, dogwood trees add teacup-sized white blooms to the surrounding woods, and I know warmer weather travels our way soon.
Every year spring in the south puts on a gorgeous show, and I enjoy every day of it . . . despite you know who reminding me how many holes he dug. When does spring show signs of life in your area?
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