Half the country dealt with an uninvited guest this week, and its name was Polar Vortex, a visitor possessing nasty attitude and sloppy habits of dumping snow and ice in its wake. Kids loved it (yippee, no school), and parents hated it (rats, no school). But despite the traffic woes and life interruptions brought about by bad weather, I’ve always marveled at the calm and quiet of falling snow and the absolute stillness it brings to the surrounding area, if only for a short time.
In today’s quick to react and fast to speak lifestyle, maybe we need more snow moments. Not literally, of course—unless you’re a polar bear—but figuratively, in our words, actions, and spirit. Proverbs 15:18 offers a great suggestion. “A quick-tempered person stirs up dissension, but one who is slow to anger calms a quarrel.” Now if I can just remember that verse next time someone cuts me off in traffic . . . let it snow, let it snow, let it snow . . .
What’s your snow barometer on a scale of 1 (hate it) to 10 (love it)?