I don’t like cold weather, and my hands like it less. With or without gloves makes no difference. My hands begin drying out in November, and no amount of lotion helps until they see warmer weather. Is there a cure? Yep, it’s called bear grease, and the name is an accurate description—melted bear fat. Will I rub it on my hands? Nope, because smelling like a bear is not on my bucket list. But my grandmother claimed some of her mountain kin deemed it good for just about anything, and a little research proves them right. Native Americans used bear grease for cooking, waterproofing, repelling insects, fuel oil, preventing rust on knives, and medicinal purposes. Crazy as it sounds, bear grease usage continues for relief of chronic pain and dry, irritated skin. If it keeps leather goods soft, imagine how much it would moisturize your hands. Have I convinced you to try it?
Whether dry or soft, a great use of our hands is to extend them to others, and Proverbs 3:27 describes the result. “Never walk away from someone who deserves help; your hand is God’s hand for that person.”
What’s your recommendation for dry, chapped hands?