Did you know this Sunday is Father’s Day? Hard not to if you watch TV or use social media. Advertisements pop up everywhere and appeal to everyone thanks to cookies (the digital kind). “Twelve Great Gifts for Dads Who Love to Fish.” “The Perfect Grill for the Grill Master in your Life.” “Four Funky T-shirts for Fun-loving Fathers.” I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of these “suggestions” the last two weeks, and some of them may have been helpful. Unlike mothers, most fathers don’t have the same appreciation for candy and flowers, so more creativity and imagination may be needed in June than May. Then maybe not . . .
As my parents aged, I discovered the gift of time meant more to them than anything else. My time. Eating a meal with them, a walk in the park, an afternoon of window shopping at the mall, an evening on the porch watching the sunset. Simple but precious moments because they felt loved and wanted, essentially a role reversal from when I was a child and they did the same for me. But this Father’s Day is different because my father passed away late last year. Do I miss him? Yes. Am I sad he’s not here for this special day? No, and an advertisement I saw the other day explains why. “For the Dad who has Everything” it said. The longer I stared at the statement the bigger I smiled. Yeah, this year my father does have everything . . . he’s in heaven spending time with the Father and His Son. As Jesus said in John 14:1-2, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms . . . I am going there to prepare a place for you.” The ultimate and eternal gift, for sure.
Now it’s your turn to share on this blistering hot Southern-fried Friday before Father’s Day. Tell us something great or crazy about the fathers or grandfathers in your life.