I know what you did last weekend—decorated your Christmas tree, house, and yard. Thanks to your love of Christmas, my drive home after dark is now illuminated with twinkling lights in all shapes and colors. Just one of the many reasons I enjoy Christmas. Add animals or children to the decorating mix, and you have even more fun . . . plus maybe a little chaos. The first year we tried decorating as multiple pet owners was an enlightening experience. We came home the following day and found no ornaments remaining on the lower third of our tree. What our Labrador Retriever’s tail hadn’t brushed off, cat paws batted to other parts of the house. After several days of the same, we gave up and left the bottom third bare.
Thank goodness, wise men from the east were more diligent in following a sparkling star many miles for a once in eternity event. Matthew 2:1-2 records the occasion. “Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying, ‘Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him.’” What a wonderful way to bring light to the world on Christmas and every day.
What’s one of your favorite Christmas tree decorations? My sister and I still have the reindeer ornaments we hung on our childhood trees. A tad worn but precious reminders of many treasured family times.