I need help on this Southern-Fried Friday. What do you do with vintage baby furniture? Yes, I trekked to the far corner of my garage museum this week and discovered more buried treasure—two baby beds, two highchairs, a changing table, and a bassinette. Stacked together, covered up for years, and forgotten by the babies they raised. All wood, all in great shape, and all deemed unsafe for young’uns today. Hard to believe not too long ago kids played sports without mouth guards, pedaled bicycles without helmets, rode in cars without seatbelts, and drank water from the garden hose. Those were dangerous times, folks, and thank goodness the world is a safer place now. But let’s get back to solving my current crisis so there will be peace on earth and goodwill toward men.
Speaking of men, a certain family member did offer two suggestions for this week’s discovery. Take everything to the county landfill or burn it on our next campfire. And I’m happy to report he later saw the error of his ways, repented of furniture blasphemy, and received forgiveness. So I need your advice, please. What do you suggest we do with these treasures?